Cooking up Community

Rio Ferdinand Foundation has teamed up with professional Chef Lajina Masala to deliver a virtual cooking masterclass to families in Oldham as part of the United Against Racism programme.

The class which was delivered live via zoom on Friday 27 August, allowed 10 families the opportunity to join together and celebrate their cultural difference whilst learning to make the traditional Sudanese dish Mulah Rob.

The virtual cooking class was organised by Rio Ferdinand Foundation’s Digital Youth Ambassadors Sana Ahmed Mian and Islam Elbagir Amin Salih from Oldham, as a celebration of togetherness, and part of the Foundation’s United Against Racism programme, which inspires and empowers young people to address inequalities and racism. The Ambassadors utilised their digital and entrepreneurial skills gained through their participation in the Oldham Digital Skills Programme, to organise and deliver this exciting event. The Oldham Digital Skills programme is a partnership programme, between the Rio Ferdinand Foundation, Oldham Opportunity Area and the Oldham Enterprise Trust

Victoria Lowe, Programme Manager for the Rio Ferdinand Foundation said:

“Food is an important part of cultural heritage and identity, it connects us to people and to places, and through the simple act of sitting down together and enjoying a meal, has the power to connect families and friends.” “The virtual cooking event is an opportunity for us to bring families together, whilst providing an opportunity for participants of all ages to learn new skills, try new flavours, and together celebrate cultural difference.”

The Rio Ferdinand Foundation, delivered the ingredients to all participants in advance of the event, so the families could enjoy spending time together, without the worry of what’s in the cupboard. On the night the event was delivered by Rio Ferdinand Foundation’s Youth Ambassadors with support from Lajina Masala.

The Abbass family commented:

“My family and I really enjoyed taking part in the cooking class, having the ingredients & tech support dropped off at our door was super helpful. It was wonderful to learn about different cultures and cooking dishes from different countries – the kids got involved as well, so we all spent some time together, which doesn’t usually happen!!”

Chef Lajina Masala has successfully forged a career as a chef and is keen to inspire and raise aspirations amongst young people to consider careers in the food industry.

Chef Lajina Masala commented:

“It’s been so interesting to be working with the Rio Ferdinand Foundation, equality and diversity need to be discussed and what better way than sharing meals. Especially dishes that are not so known in the Western world but served at celebrations in our neighbourhoods. The team at the Foundation have been so supportive and the Ambassadors who shared their recipes were so generous and trusting of my support, I hope this is the start of many successful projects between us”.

Mulah Rob is a classic Sudanese dish served with Peanut Butter Sauce and Salad. Get in touch if you would like the recipe for yourself!


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